Thursday 28 March 2013

Making my DPS

 I wanted to experiment with the layout of the text so at first i put the text in two columns then found out i wouldn't have enough space for all the text i wanted to put on, I then had to get the correct measurements for the text to be equal and not bigger on one side than the other

 I then thought that the article looked a bit dull and that i wanted to make it look more creative, the box that the text was in wasn't really appealing, so after looking at other rock magazines for inspiration i found out that a lot of them had a ripped effect on them. so i found out how to make a ripped effect on Photoshop and applied it to my final DPS .

1 comment:

  1. Hi jess, i know you have been off school for ages and your DPS is looking like its starting to take shape, but over easter your must post up your final designs so i can mark them for you. You must also get a copy of teh evaluation sheet from emma!
